What We Believe
Our Mission Statement:
We live as God's children, to be nurtured by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament, and to share our Savior, Jesus Christ, with all people.
Our Message:
We are called a Conservative Church because we continue to hold that the entire Bible is the inerrant and infallible revelation from God to His people. This revelation has been communicated to us as the Holy Spirit inspired the writers, giving them each and every word. For this reason we put our full trust and confidence in God's Word, the Bible, and draw all church beliefs and practices from it.
Our Teachings and Beliefs:
The Bible is the only means of knowing the true God and the way of salvation.
God created men and women and determined how they should live.
Everyone is sinful by nature, still sins daily, and deserves to spend eternity in hell.
God is merciful and gracious and has provided us a means of salvation.
God sent His own Son Jesus to die on the cross as our substitute for sin.
Through faith we now stand holy and righteous in God's sight and receive the free gift of heaven.
We believe that God speaks to us through both his word and sacraments. Through these means of grace the Holy Spirit creates, sustains, and empowers Christian faith and Christian living.
Jesus has given to us two sacraments:
Baptism is for infants as well as adults.
Holy Communion is the body and blood of Christ received with the bread and wine. This, as well as all our teachings and beliefs, are found in the Bible. We would be happy to explain further and even offer a Bible information class to those who are interested.
WELS Affiliation:
First Lutheran is affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. WELS is a group of nearly 400,000 men, women, and children in nearly 1,300 congregations across the United States and Canada united by a common faith in Christ's saving love. We are committed to a common calling—encouraging each other in our faith and sharing God's gift of a Savior with the rest of the world.
For a more comprehensive explanation of our beliefs view our Synod's What We Believe page.